The Lind Dryland Research Station Endowment was created in 1996 by growers in low-rainfall areas. The endowment funds research at the Washington State University Dryland Research Station at Lind as well in other dryland areas of the state receiving less than twelve inches annual precipitation. The endowment is managed by the Lind Dryland Research Fund Committee comprised of growers and members of the WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences. Grower representatives from Adams, Franklin, Benton, Douglas, Lincoln, and Grant counties are appointed by their respective county wheat grower associations. Faculty from WSU are appointed by the Chair of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and approved by the Dean of the College. The Endowment Committee meets annually to review proposals and make decisions on fund disbursement. Funds support facility improvement, research projects, equipment purchase, and other identified needs.
How can I be a part of giving to the Lind Dryland Research Station Endowment fund? Click the Give Online button below to take you to the WSU Foundation site.
To learn about other ways to give to WSU and the Lind Dryland Research Station, visit the WSU Foundation site.